The Path Made Clear by Oprah Winfrey

Recently I’ve read several very digestible self-help books, so I’m going to do a few quick write ups for each. Before I do so, I want to say that I am very picky about this genre. There is a lot of crap out there that is not only just bad or ineffective, but is actually actively harmful, but is disguised as “help.” I won’t mention names, but a big breakthrough book came out in this genre with a catchy title, and I tried to read it twice and had to stop. It was horrible and harmful, imho.

The first in the series of self-help that I thought actually had some gems was The Path Made Clear by Oprah Winfrey. In audio form, this reads like a Ted Talk, with excerpts from interviews with Oprah, which captures the deepest and most poignant insights.

In this book, interviewees, along with Oprah, share insights as to how one can best find and follow one’s path. I think the principles apply broadly and are helpful, no matter the circumstances in which one might find one’s self. However, I did find myself wondering about manic illnesses, where people make big, life changing decisions/actions as symptomatic of their illness more so than as truly following their own paths.

Many of the interviewees describe big moments, events, or deep, sudden senses of knowing that caused them to make big changes to their lives. There are few, if any, examples in the book of these gurus making small and incremental changes over long periods of time to more fully express their own life paths. However, most of my successes have been the slow and steady kind. Yes, I’ve had sudden aha moments about the direction of my life, but even these were part of a clear trajectory. I think this book could be harmful for those who are prone to self-sabotage, self-destruction, or the like. For everyone else, the book is full of great reminders on how to follow one’s bliss and live life to the fullest and get outside the expectations of others and culture.

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